5 Invalid procedure call 380 Invalid property value 383 Property is read-only 394 Property is write-only 425 Invalid object use 461 Specified format doesn't match format of data 672 DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event 673 Expected at least one argument. 674 Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop 675 Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require Byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData. 676 Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event. 1000 P&roperties 1001 MSCh2 2001 E 2002 e 3104 Valid range is from %s to %s 3105 Invalid Value 3106 Invalid format code '%s' (%d). 3107 Maximum must be greater than minimum. 3108 Value must not be less than %s 3120 twips|t 3121 point|pt|p 3122 inch|in|i|" 3123 mm|m 3124 cm|c 3125 deg|d 3126 rad|r 3127 gr|g 3136 twips 3137 pt 3138 " 3139 mm 3140 cm 3141 d 3142 r 3143 g 3184 General 3185 AM 3186 PM 3187 A 3188 P 3189 am 3190 pm 3191 a 3192 p 3195 [Red] 3200 January 3201 February 3202 March 3203 April 3204 May 3205 June 3206 July 3207 August 3208 September 3209 October 3210 November 3211 December 3212 Jan 3213 Feb 3214 Mar 3215 Apr 3216 May 3217 Jun 3218 Jul 3219 Aug 3220 Sep 3221 Oct 3222 Nov 3223 Dec 3224 Sunday 3225 Monday 3226 Tuesday 3227 Wednesday 3228 Thursday 3229 Friday 3230 Saturday 3231 Sun 3232 Mon 3233 Tue 3234 Wed 3235 Thur 3236 Fri 3237 Sat 3238 Sunday 3239 Monday 3240 Tuesday 3241 Wednesday 3242 Thursday 3243 Friday 3244 Saturday 3245 Sun 3246 Mon 3247 Tue 3248 Wed 3249 Thur 3250 Fri 3251 Sat 3252 Su 3253 Mo 3254 Tu 3255 We 3256 Th 3257 Fr 3258 Sa 3264 mmmm 3265 mmm 3266 mm 3267 m 3268 dddd 3269 ddd 3270 dd 3271 d 3272 WW 3273 W 3274 yyyy 3275 yy 3280 hh 3281 h 3282 mm 3283 m 3284 ss 3285 s 3286 AM/PM 3287 A/P 3288 am/pm 3289 a/p 3298 Black 3299 Blue 3300 Cyan 3301 Green 3302 Magenta 3303 Red 3304 White 3305 Yellow 3306 Color 3312 Arial 3313 R%d 3314 Item%d 3315 C%d 3316 Q%d 5600 Colors 5601 Color Property Page 5602 Fonts 5603 Font Property Page 5604 Pictures 5605 Picture Property Page 5616 Desktop 5617 Application Workspace 5618 Window Background 5619 Window Text 5620 Menu Bar 5621 Menu Text 5622 Active Title Bar 5623 Inactive Title Bar 5624 Active Title Bar Text 5625 Inactive Title Bar Text 5626 Active Border 5627 Inactive Border 5628 Window Frame 5629 Scroll Bars 5630 Button Face 5631 Button Shadow 5632 Button Text 5633 Button Highlight 5634 Disabled Text 5635 Highlight 5636 Highlighted Text 5637 Regular 5638 Bold 5639 Italic 5640 Bold Italic 5648 All Picture Types|*.bmp;*.cur;*.dib;*.emf;*.ico;*.wmf|Bitmaps (*.bmp;*.dib)|*.bmp;*.dib|Icons/Cursors (*.ico;*.cur)|*.ico|Metafiles (*.wmf;*.emf)|*.emf;*.wmf|All files (*.*)|*.*|| 5649 Browse Pictures 5650 Unable to open the picture file %1. The file may not exist, or may not be readable. 5651 Unable to load the picture file %1. The file may have an invalid format. 5652 Unable to load the picture file %1. The file is too large to fit in memory. 5653 Unable to load the picture file %1. Unexplained read failure. 8512 Automatic 8513 Custom... 8514 None 8515 Solid 8516 1 8517 Arial 8518 12 8520 MS Sans Serif 8521 8 8528 Scroll Bars 8529 Desktop 8530 Active Title Bar 8531 Inactive Title Bar 8532 Menu Bar 8533 Window Background 8534 Window Frame 8535 Menu Bar Text 8536 Window Text 8537 Active Title Bar Text 8538 Active Border 8539 Inactive Border 8540 Application Workspace 8541 Highlight 8542 Highlighted Text 8543 3D Face 8544 3D Shadow 8545 Gray Text 8546 Button Text 8547 Inactive Title Bar Text 8548 3D Highlight 8549 3D Dark Shadow 8550 3D Light Shadow 8551 Info Text 8552 Info Background 8553 Start 8554 Short 8555 Long 8556 Float 8557 Double 8558 Boolean 8559 Currency 8560 Date 8561 String 8563 Left 8564 Right 8565 Center 8566 Arial 8567 10 8568 mmmm yyyy 8569 mmmm 8570 yyyy 21104 Bar (Column) 21105 Bar/Pictograph 21106 Line (Tape) 21107 Line 21108 Area 21109 Area 21110 Step 21111 Step 21112 Combination 21113 Combination 21114 Horizontal Bar 21115 Horizontal Bar 21116 Pie 21117 Pie 21118 Doughnut 21119 X Y (Scatter) 21120 Polar 21121 Radar 21122 Bubble 21123 Clustered Bar 21124 Hi Lo 21125 Gantt 21126 Gantt 21127 Contour 21128 Surface 21129 Scatter 21130 XYZ 21143 Bar 21145 None 21146 Single Line 21147 Double Line 21148 Thick Inner 21149 Thick Outer 21166 Created by Visual Components, Inc. First Impression v%s 22005 Chart 22006 Title 22007 Footnote 22008 Backdrop 22009 Options 22010 Font 22011 Backdrop2 22012 Picture 22013 3D Lighting 22014 3D View 22015 Guidelines 22016 Markers 22017 Axis Scale and Ticks 22018 Axis Line and Grids 22019 Elevation 22020 Lines 22021 Location 22022 Custom Location 22023 Layout 22024 Text 22025 Order 22026 Chart Type 22027 Plot Walls 22028 X Axis Title 22029 Y Axis Title 22030 Z Axis Title 22031 Second Y Axis Title 22032 Plot 22033 Legend 22034 X Axis 22035 Y Axis 22036 Second Y Axis 22037 Z Axis 22038 Axis Title 22039 Axis Labels 22040 - Level 22041 Series 22042 Series Labels 22043 Datapoint 22044 Datapoint Labels 22045 Oblique 22046 Orthogonal 22047 Perspective 22048 Axis Line 22049 Major Gridline 22050 Minor Gridline 22051 Degrees 22052 Radians 22053 Grad 22054 None 22055 Ascending 22056 Descending 22057 None 22058 Total 22059 Series 22060 Lines and Colors 22061 Format 22062 Value Format 22063 Percent Format 30003 Chart 30004 Chart properties for the MSChart control 30005 All Series 30006 Axis 30007 Axis Grid 30008 Series 30009 Series Color 30010 Backdrop 30011 Text 30012 Axis properties for MSChart Control 30013 Axis Grid properties for MSChart control 30014 Series properties for MSChart control 30015 Series Color properties for the MSChart control 30016 Backdrop properties for the MSChart control 30017 Text properties for the MSChart control 30018 Microsoft Chart 52320 No error 53320 General failure 53321 Attempted to delete object still in use 53322 Attempted to delete object already deleted 53323 Corrupt data; unable to continue 53324 Function not yet implemented 53420 Not enough memory 53421 Bad function argument 53422 Cannot find item 53423 Result too long for return buffer 53424 Inappropriate or invalid request 53425 Failed to read or write a file 53426 Failed to write to user-created function 53427 Persistent storage corrupted 53428 Attempted to load incompatible version 53429 Unexpected class type 53430 Attempted to load pointer into reference 53431 Unable to open requested file 53432 Failed to load string; possibly too long 53433 String buffer too small; string truncated 53434 Failed to copy object 53435 Encountered duplicate object 53436 User canceled operation 53437 Index given is out of bounds 53438 Requested type conversion is not supported. 53439 Object is uninitialized or invalid. 53440 Could not create window. 53441 This version of Windows is not supported. 53442 Could not load requested picture. 53520 Invalid Syntax. 53521 Identifier too big. 53522 Unrecongized function name. 53523 Unrecongized symbol. 53524 Unexpected end of string. 53525 Duplicate Symbol. 53820 Error communicating with display drivers 53821 Requested font name not available 53822 Requested font description invalid 53823 Not enough display resources 53824 Default substituted for requested font 54320 Non-specific chart error 54321 Invalid chart handle 54322 Necessary data unavailable 54323 Nonexistent series 54324 Nonexistent axis 54325 Operation not allowed in this version 55319 The list of error codes 55320 Horizontal Alignment Constants 55321 Horizontal left 55322 Horizontal right 55323 Horizontal center 55324 Fill 55325 Flush 55326 Vertical top 55327 Vertical bottom 55328 Vertical center 55329 Orientation Constants 55330 Horizontal text 55331 Vertical text 55332 Up oriented text 55333 Down oriented text 55334 Sort Type Constants 55335 Sort Type - None 55336 Sort Type - Ascending 55337 Sort Type - Descending 55338 Angle Units Constants 55339 Degree Angle Units 55340 Radian Angle Units 55341 Grad Angle Units 55342 Print Scale Type Constants 55343 Print Scale Type - Actual 55344 Print Scale Type - Fitted 55345 Print Scale Type - Stretched 55346 Print Orientation Type Constants 55347 Print Orientation - Portrait 55348 Print Orientation - Landscape 55349 The list of VtFont styles 55350 Bold 55351 Italic 55352 Outline 55353 The list of VtFont effects 55354 Strike Through 55355 Underline 55356 Brush Styles 55357 No brush(background shows through) 55358 Solid VtColor brush 55359 Bitmap patterned brush 55360 Hatched brush 55361 Brush Patterns 55362 94 percent pattern color 55363 88 percent pattern color 55364 75 percent pattern color 55365 50 percent pattern color 55366 25 percent pattern color 55367 Bold Horizontal Lines 55368 Bold Vertical Lines 55369 Bold Down Diagonal Lines 55370 Bold Up Diagonal Lines 55371 Checks pattern 55372 Weave pattern 55373 Horizontal Lines 55374 Vertical Lines 55375 Down Diagonal 55376 Up Diagonal 55377 Grid Pattern 55378 Trellis Pattern 55379 Inverted Trellis Pattern 55380 Number of elements in this enumeration 55381 Brush Hatches 55382 Horizontal Hatch Lines 55383 Vertical Hatch Lines 55384 Down Diagonal Hatch Lines 55385 Up Diagonal Hatch Lines 55386 Cross Hatch Lines 55387 Diagonal Cross Hatch Lines 55388 Number of elements in this enumeration 55389 Shadow Styles 55390 No shadow 55391 Drop shadow 55392 Pen Styles 55393 Null pen 55394 Solid pen 55395 Dashed pen 55396 Dotted pen 55397 Dash-dot pen 55398 Dash-dot-dot pen 55399 Ditted line pen 55400 Ditted line pen 55401 Dash-dit pen 55402 Dash-dit-dit pen 55403 Pen Join types 55404 Mitered pen join 55405 Round pen join 55406 Beveled pen join 55407 Pen Cap types 55408 Butt pen cap 55409 Round pen cap 55410 Square pen cap 55411 Frame Styles 55412 No frame 55413 A Single line encloses the backdrop. 55414 Two equal width lines enclose the backdrop. 55415 A thick inner line and a thin outer line enclose the backdrop. 55416 A thin inner line and a thick outer line enclose the backdrop. 55417 Picture Types 55418 No graphic. 55419 Windows bitmap. 55420 Microsoft Windows Metafile. 55421 Windows bitmap. 55422 Microsoft Windows Metafile. 55423 Picture Options (WMF only) 55424 Omit Adobe placeable header. 55425 Replace text with polygons. 55426 Picture Map Types 55427 Displays the graphic at the original size it was created. 55428 Scales the graphic proportionally to fit within the object. 55429 Scales the graphic to fill the object regardless of its original proportions. 55430 Duplicates the graphic repeatedly to fill the object. 55431 Centers the graphic and scales it proportionally to fill the object. 55432 Tiles the graphic horizontally. 55433 Tiles the graphic vertically. 55434 Gradient Styles 55435 The VtColor changes from top to bottom. 55436 The VtColor changes from left to right. 55437 The VtColor changes in concentric rectangles from the center outwards. 55438 The VtColor changes in concentric ovals from the center outwards. 55439 Fill Style Constants 55440 No fill. (background shows through) 55441 A solid VtColor or pattern fill. 55442 A gradient fill. 55443 Marker Style Constants 55444 Dash marker 55445 Plus marker 55446 X marker 55447 Star marker 55448 Circle marker 55449 Square marker 55450 Diamond marker 55451 Triangle marker 55452 Down triangle marker 55453 Filled circle marker 55454 Filled square marker 55455 Filled diamond marker 55456 Filled up triangle marker 55457 Filled down triangle marker 55458 3D Ball 55459 No Marker 55460 Number of elements in this enumeration 55461 Projection Type Constants 55462 Perspective projection 55463 2.5 dimensional oblique projection 55464 Orthogonal projection(no perspective) 55465 Frontal projection 55466 Overhead projection 55467 Smoothing Type Constants 55468 No smoothing 55469 Quadratic BSpline smoothing 55470 Cubic BSpline smoothing 55471 Device Context Type Constants 55472 Device context type Null 55473 Device context type Display 55474 Device context type Printer 55475 Device context type Metafile 55476 2D Text output Type Constants 55477 Device context type Null 55478 Device context type Metafile 55479 Text Length Type Constants 55480 TT virtual text length 55481 Actual length used by output device 55482 The list of Chart types 55483 3d Bar 55484 2d Bar 55485 3d Line 55486 2d Line 55487 3d Area 55488 2d Area 55489 3d Step 55490 2d Step 55491 3d Combination 55492 2d Combination 55493 3d Horizontal Bar 55494 2d Horizontal Bar 55495 3d Clustered Bar 55496 3d Pie 55497 2d Pie 55498 3d Doughnut 55499 2d XY 55500 2d Polar 55501 2d Radar 55502 2d Bubble 55503 2d HiLo 55504 2d Gantt 55505 3d Gantt 55506 3d Surface 55507 2d Contour 55508 3d Scatter 55509 3d XYZ 55510 Number of elements in this enumeration 55511 The list of Series types 55512 Used by UI to describe combo charts. 55513 Default 55514 3d Bar 55515 2d Bar 55516 3d Horizontal Bar 55517 2d Horizontal Bar 55518 3d Clustered Bar 55519 3d Line 55520 2d Line 55521 3d Area 55522 2d Area 55523 3d Step 55524 2d Step 55525 2d XY 55526 2d Polar 55527 2d Radar Line 55528 2d Radar Area 55529 2d Bubble 55530 2d HiLo 55531 2d HiLoClose 55532 2d HLC Right 55533 2d OHLC 55534 2d OHLC Bar 55535 2d Gantt 55536 3d Gantt 55537 3d Pie 55538 2d Pie 55539 3d Doughnut 55540 2d Dates 55541 3d Bar HiLo 55542 2d Bar HiLo 55543 3d Horizontal Bar HiLo 55544 2d Horizontal Bar HiLo 55545 3d Clustered Bar HiLo 55546 3d Surface 55547 2d Contour 55548 3d XYZ 55549 Number of elements in this enumeration 55550 Chart Part Type Constants 55551 Part type - chart 55552 Part type - title 55553 Part type - footnote 55554 Part type - legend 55555 Part type - plot 55556 Part type - series 55557 Part type - series label 55558 Part type - point 55559 Part type - point label 55560 Part type - axis 55561 Part type - axislabel 55562 Part type - axistitle 55563 Part type - series name 55564 Part type - point name 55565 Number of elements in this enumeration 55566 Chart Element Location Type Constants 55567 Top left 55568 Top 55569 Top right 55570 Left 55571 Right 55572 Bottom left 55573 Bottom 55574 Bottom right 55575 Custom 55576 The list of datapoint label component types 55577 The value of the data point appears in the label. 55578 The value of the data point is displayed in the label as a percentage of the total value of the series. 55579 The series name is used to label the data point. 55580 The data point name is used to label the data point. 55581 The list of series/datapoint label line styles 55582 Label Line Style - None 55583 Label Line Style - Straight 55584 Label Line Style - Bent 55585 The list of series/datapoint label locations 55586 Label Location - None 55587 Label Location - AbovePoint 55588 Label Location - BelowPoint 55589 Label Location - Center 55590 Label Location - Base 55591 Label Location - Inside pie or doughnut 55592 Label Location - Outside pie or doughnut 55593 Label Location - Left 55594 Label Location - Right 55595 Sub Plot Label Location Type Constants 55596 Location Type - None 55597 Location Type - Above 55598 Location Type - Below 55599 Location Type - Center 55600 Pie Weight Basis Constants 55601 Pie Weight Basis - None 55602 Pie Weight Basis - Total 55603 Pie Weight Basis - Series 55604 Pie Weight Style Constants 55605 Pie Weight Style - Area 55606 Pie Weight Style - Diameter 55607 Axis Id Constants 55608 X Axis 55609 Y Axis 55610 Y2 Axis 55611 Z Axis 55612 No Axis 55613 Date Interval Constants 55614 Date Interval Type - None 55615 Date Interval Type - Daily 55616 Date Interval Type - Weekly 55617 Date Interval Type - Semimonthly 55618 Date Interval Type - Monthly 55619 Date Interval Type - Yearly 55620 Scale Type Constants 55621 Scale Type - Linear 55622 Scale Type - Logarithmic 55623 Scale Type - Percent 55624 Percent Axis Basis Constants 55625 Percent Axis Basis - MaxChart 55626 Percent Axis Basis - MaxRow 55627 Percent Axis Basis - MaxColumn 55628 Percent Axis Basis - MaxSumChart 55629 Percent Axis Basis - MaxSumRow 55630 Percent Axis Basis - MaxSumColumn 55631 Axis Tick Style Constants 55632 Axis Tick Style - None 55633 Axis Tick Style - Center 55634 Axis Tick Style - Inside 55635 Axis Tick Style - Outside 55636 Stat Type Constants 55637 Shows the minimum value in the series. 55638 Shows the maximum value in the series. 55639 Shows the mathematical mean of the values in the series. 55640 Shows the standard deviation of the values in the series. 55641 Shows a trend line indicated by the values in a series. 55642 Mouse Flag Constants 55643 Shift key down 55644 Control key down 55645 The list of Formula One spreadsheet link modes 55646 Off 55647 On 55648 Auto Parse 55649 The list of Draw modes 55650 Draws directly to the display device 55651 Blits an offscreen drawing to the display device 55652 Contour VtColor Type Constants 55653 Contour VtColor - Automatic 55654 Contour VtColor - Gradient 55655 Contour VtColor - Manual 55656 Contour Display Type Constants 55657 Contour Display - CBands 55658 Contour Display - CLines 55659 Surface Base Type Constants 55660 Surface Base - Pedestal 55661 Surface Base - Standard 55662 Surface Base - StandardWithCBands 55663 Surface Base - StandardWithCLines 55664 Surface Display Type Constants 55665 Surface Display - None 55666 Surface Display - CBands 55667 Surface Display - CLines 55668 Surface Display - Solid 55669 Surface Display - SolidWithCLines 55670 Surface Projection Type Constants 55671 Surface Projection - None 55672 Surface Projection - CBands 55673 Surface Projection - CLines 55674 Surface Wireframe Type Constants 55675 Surface Wireframe - None 55676 Surface Wireframe - Major 55677 Surface Wireframe - MajorAndMinor 55678 Vertical Alignment Constants 55679 Border Style Constants 55680 No border. 55681 Fixed single line border. 55682 Mouse Pointer Constants 55683 Default chart pointer. 55684 Arrow pointer. 55685 Crosshair pointer. 55686 I beam pointer. 55687 Icon pointer. 55688 Size pointer. 55689 Size NE SW pointer. 55690 Size N S pointer. 55691 Size NW SE pointer. 55692 Size WE pointer. 55693 Up arrow pointer. 55694 Hourglass (wait) pointer. 55695 No drop pointer. 55696 Arrow and hourglass pointer. 55697 Arrow and question mark pointer. 55698 Size all pointer. 57320 Determines whether the current data point row and column is automatically incremented after the Data property is used to enter or update data in the data grid. 57321 Determines whether random data is used to generate the chart. 57322 Returns/sets the type of chart used to plot the data in the data grid. 57323 Returns/sets the active column in the data grid. 57324 Returns/sets the number of columns in the data grid. 57325 Returns/sets the label associated with the column identified by the Column property. 57326 Returns/sets the number of levels of labels above the data columns in the data grid. 57327 Identifies a particular level of column labels. 57328 Returns/sets the value of a specific data point in the data grid identified by Column and Row. 57329 Returns/sets the text used as a chart footnote. 57330 Determines whether the chart repaints after a change is made to the chart. 57331 Returns/sets the active row of the data grid. 57332 Returns/sets the number of rows in the data grid. 57333 Returns/sets the label associated with the row identified by the Row property. 57334 Returns/sets the number of levels of labels to the left of the data rows in the data grid 57335 Identifies a particular level of row labels. 57336 Returns/sets the column of the chart in which the current series is displayed. 57337 Returns/sets the chart type used to display the series identified in the Column property. 57338 Determines whether the legend is displayed on the chart. 57341 Determines when and how the chart is repainted. 57343 Returns the Title object associated with the chart. 57344 Returns the Footnote object associated with the chart 57345 Returns/sets the text to be used as the chart title 57346 Determines whether all the series in the chart are stacked. 57347 Returns/sets how text is drawn to optimize the appearance either on the screen or on the printed page. 57348 Determines whether the end user can use built-in dialog boxes to change chart properties. 57349 Determines whether the user can select chart elements. 57350 Determines whether clicking on an individual data point selects the entire series containing the data point. 57351 Determines whether or not the user can interactively rotate 3D charts. 57352 Returns the number of series that appear on the chart. 57353 Returns the Backdrop object associated with the chart. 57355 Returns the Legend object associated with the chart. 57356 Returns the DataGrid object associated with the chart. 57357 Returns the Plot object associated with the chart. 57360 Returns/sets whether to disable color dithering for charts in order to enhance the chart display. 57362 Returns/sets whether or not the mouse cursor type can be set by the chart. 57364 Returns whether the chart is three dimensional. 57366 Coor object 57367 X coordinate 57368 Y coordinate 57369 Sets the x and y coordinate values 57370 LCoor object 57371 X coordinate 57372 Y coordinate 57373 Sets the x and y coordinate values 57374 Rect object 57375 Minimum Coor object 57376 Maximum Coor object 57377 VtColor object 57378 Red value 57379 Green value 57380 Blue value 57381 Automatic VtColor selection 57382 Set red, green, and blue values 57383 Pen object 57384 The type of line 57385 Defines how line segments are joined 57386 Defines how line ends are capped 57387 The VtColor used to draw the line 57388 Defines the width, in points, of the line 57389 Defines the joint limit as a multiple of the line width 57390 Marker object 57391 Determines if marker is visible 57392 The type of marker 57393 The pen used to draw marker outline 57394 Size of the marker in points 57395 VtColor used to fill the marker 57396 VtPicture used for marker 57397 TextLayout object 57398 Defines horizontal alignment of text 57399 Defines vertical alignment of text 57400 Defines orientation of text 57401 Text Word Wrap 57402 Location object 57403 Rect object 57404 Determines if text is visible 57405 Determines the position of the text 57406 VtFont object 57407 The name of the VtFont 57408 Size of the VtFont in points 57409 Defines styles of the VtFont 57410 Defines effects of the VtFont 57411 VtFont VtColor object 57412 Brush object 57413 Defines the style of the brush 57414 Fill VtColor object 57415 Pattern VtColor object 57416 Defines the pattern for the brush 57417 Shadow object 57418 Determines whether this shadow object\'s parent has a shadow. 57419 Returns the Brush object associated with this shadow. 57420 Returns the Coor object that describes the distance the shadow is offset from its parent object. 57421 Fill object 57422 The type of fill. 57423 Brush object that describes the brush used in a brush style fill. 57426 Frame object 57427 The type of frame 57428 The VtColor of the frame 57429 The VtColor of the space between frames 57430 The width, in points, of the frame 57431 Backdrop object 57432 Shadow object 57433 Frame object 57434 Fill object 57435 Title object 57436 Text Layout object 57437 Returns/sets the title text 57438 Location object 57439 Backdrop object 57440 VtFont object 57441 Returns the length of the title text. 57442 Selects the chart title. 57443 Footnote object 57444 Text Layout object 57445 Location object 57446 Backdrop object 57447 VtFont object 57448 Returns/sets the footnote text 57449 Returns the length of the footnote text. 57450 Selects the chart footnote. 57451 Legend object 57452 Location object 57453 Backdrop object 57454 VtFont object 57455 Text Layout object 57456 Selects the chart legend. 57457 DataGrid object 57458 Returns/sets the number of data columns in the data grid. 57459 Returns/sets the number of levels of labels on data columns in the data grid. 57460 Returns/sets the number of levels of labels on data rows in the data grid. 57461 Returns/sets the number of data rows in the data grid. 57462 Deletes columns of data and their associated labels from the data grid. 57463 Adds one or more data columns to the data grid. 57464 Deletes levels of labels from the data columns in a data grid. 57465 Adds one or more levels of labels to the data columns in the data grid. 57466 Deletes rows of data and their associated labels from the data grid. 57467 Adds one or more data rows to the data grid. 57468 Deletes levels of labels from the data rows in a data grid. 57469 Adds one or more levels of labels to the data rows in the data grid. 57470 Fills the data grid with randomly generated data. 57471 Sets the number and levels of data columns and rows. 57472 Assigns each label in the first level of data grid labels a unique identifier. 57473 Fills one or more columns of the data grid with randomly generated data. 57474 Fills one or more rows of the data grid with randomly generated data. 57475 Moves a block of cells on the data grid. 57476 Gets the value of a data grid cell. 57477 Sets the value of a data grid cell. 57478 Returns/sets the label on a data column in the data grid. 57479 Returns the multi-level label that identifies a column in the data grid. 57480 Returns the multi-level label that identifies a row in the data grid. 57481 Returns/sets the label on a data row in the data grid. 57482 LightSource object 57483 Returns/sets the strength of the light coming from the light source. 57484 Returns/sets the X coordinate for the location of the LightSource. 57485 Returns/sets the Y coordinate for the location of the LightSource. 57486 Returns/sets the Z coordinate for the location of the LightSource. 57487 Sets the X,Y,Z coordinates for the LightSource location and the intensity of the LightSource. 57488 LightSources Collection 57489 Add a new LightSource to the collection. 57490 Remove a LightSource from the collection. 57491 Returns a specific item from the LightSources collection. 57492 Light object 57493 Returns/sets the percentage of ambient light illuminating a 3D chart. 57494 Returns/sets the intensity used to display the edges on a 3D chart. 57495 Determines whether edges are displayed on the elements in a 3D chart. 57496 A collection of light sources. 57497 View3d object 57498 Returns/sets the degree of rotation from which the chart is viewed. 57499 Returns/sets the degree of elevation from which the chart is viewed. 57500 Sets the rotation and elevation used to display the chart. 57501 PlotBase object 57502 Returns/sets the height of the chart base in points. 57503 Returns the brush object associated with the chart base. 57504 Returns the pen object associated with the pen base. 57505 Doughnut object 57506 Returns/sets the number of sides used to draw the doughnut. 57507 Returns/sets the ratio of the radius of the doughnut that is used to display the interior hole in the doughnut. 57508 Sets the attributes used to display a doughnut chart. 57509 Pie object 57511 Returns/sets the percentage of a pie radius that is used to determine the height of a 3D pie. 57513 Returns/sets the percentage of a pie radius that is used to determine the size of the top of the 3D pie. 57514 Sets the attributes used to display pie charts. 57515 Weighting object 57516 Returns/sets the type of weighting used to determine pie or doughnut size. 57517 Determines how the weighting factor is applied. 57518 Sets the size of each 2D or 3D pie or doughnut in relation to other pies or doughnuts in the same chart. 57519 Wall object 57520 Returns/sets the thickness of the walls of a 3D chart, in points. 57521 Returns the Brush object associated with the chart wall. 57522 Returns the Pen object associated with the chart wall. 57523 Bar object 57524 Returns/sets the number of sides displayed on the bar. 57525 Returns/sets the percentage of the base size that is used to draw the top of the bar. 57526 HiLo object 57527 Returns the VtColor object used to show elements that have gained value. 57528 Returns the VtColor object used to show elements that have lost value. 57529 SeriesPosition object 57530 Determines whether a series is excluded from the chart. 57531 Determines whether a series is hidden (not displayed) on the chart. 57532 Returns/sets the position of the series in the chart. 57533 Returns/sets position in which the current series is drawn if it is stacked with other series. 57534 SeriesMarker object 57535 Determines whether to automatically assign the next available marker type to all data points in the series. 57536 Determines whether markers are displayed for the series 57537 StatLine object 57538 Determines which statistic lines are being displayed for a series. 57539 Returns the VtColor object for this statistic line. 57540 Returns/sets the thickness of the statistics line, in points. 57541 Returns/sets the line type used to display the statistic line. 57542 Label object 57543 Returns the Backdrop object associated with this label. 57544 Returns/sets the format used to display the label. 57545 Returns/sets the VtFont object associated with this label. 57546 Determines whether to automatically rotate the label if it would improve the chart layout. 57547 Determines whether axis labels are displayed laying down in the X or Z plane or rotated up on the text baseline to stand in the Y plane. 57548 Returns the TextLayout object associated with this label. 57549 Returns the length of the format string. 57550 Labels Collection 57551 DataPointLabel object 57552 Returns/sets the point label text. 57553 Returns the Backdrop object associated with this data point label. 57554 Returns the VtFont object associated with this data point label. 57555 Returns the LCoor object which describes the offset of the data point label from one of the predefined label positions. 57556 Returns the TextLayout object associated with this data point label. 57557 Returns/sets the standard position used to display the label. 57558 Determines whether custom text is used to label the data point. 57559 Returns/sets the type of label to be used to identify the point. 57560 Returns/sets the type of line used to connect a pie slice to a label displayed outside the slice. 57561 Returns/sets the format used to display the label as a value. 57562 Returns/sets the format used to display the label as a percent. 57563 Returns the length of the data point label text. 57564 Resets any custom attributes placed on a data point label to the series default. 57565 Selects a data point label. 57566 DataPoint object 57567 Returns the DataPointLabel object associated with this data point. 57568 Returns the Brush object associated with this data point. 57569 Returns the Pen object used to draw the edge of the data point. 57570 Returns the Marker object associated with this data point. 57571 Returns/sets how far the pie slice representing this data point is offset or pulled away from the pie. 57573 Resets any custom attributes placed on a data point to the series default. 57574 Selects an individual data point. 57575 DataPoints Collection 57576 Series object 57577 Determines whether a series is charted on the secondary Y axis. 57578 Returns/sets the type of mathematical function used to smooth the series. 57579 Returns/sets the number of facets or points that are sampled between the chart data points to create the smoothing effect. 57580 Returns/sets the series type being used to display this series in the chart. 57581 Returns the Pen object associated with this series guidelines. 57582 Determines whether a line is displayed for a series. 57583 Returns the Pen object associated with this series. 57584 Returns the Bar object associated with this series. 57585 Returns the HiLo object associated with this series. 57586 Returns the Position object associated with this series. 57587 Returns the SeriesMarker object associated with this series. 57588 Returns the SeriesLabel object associated with this series. 57589 Returns the StatLine object associated with this series. 57590 Retruns the collection of datapoints in this series. 57591 Sets or returns the text that identifies this series in the legend. 57592 Selects a chart series. 57593 Determines whether the guidelines are displayed for a series. 57594 Returns the series type used to draw the series if chart type is set to ChartType. 57595 SeriesCollection Collection 57596 AxisTitle object 57597 Returns/sets the text used as an axis title. 57598 Returns the Backdrop object associated with this axis title. 57599 Returns the VtFont object associated with this axis title. 57600 Determines whether the axis title is visible. 57601 Returns the TextLayout object associated with this axis title. 57602 Returns the length of the axis title. 57603 CategoryScale object 57604 Determines whether the axis is automatically scaled. 57605 Returns/sets how many divisions are skipped between labels. 57606 Returns/sets how many divisions are skipped between tick marks. 57607 Determines where category axis labels are positioned relative to the axis tick. 57608 DateScale object 57609 Determines whether the axis is automatically scaled. 57610 Returns/sets the beginning date on the date axis. 57611 Returns/sets the ending date on the date axis. 57612 Returns/sets the type of major interval used to display dates on an axis. 57613 Returns/sets how many major intervals pass before a label is placed on the axis. 57614 Returns/sets the type of minor interval used to display dates on an axis. 57615 Returns/sets how many minor intervals pass before a label is placed on the axis. 57616 Determines whether dates that fall on the weekend are displayed on the chart. 57617 AxisGrid object 57618 Returns the Pen object used to draw the minor axis grid lines. 57619 Returns the Pen object used to draw the major axis grid lines. 57620 Intersection object 57621 Determines whether the chart uses the value of Point to position the axis. 57622 Returns/sets where the current axis intersects the axis perpendicular to it. 57623 Identifies a specific axis. 57624 Reserved for future use. 57625 Axis labels are adjacent to the axis. 57626 Tick object 57627 Returns/sets the length of axis tick marks, measured in points. 57628 Returns/sets the position of the axis tick. 57629 AxisScale object 57630 Determines whether the axis is hidden. 57631 Returns/sets the type of axis scale. 57632 Returns/sets the logarithm base used to plot chart values on a logarithmic axis. 57633 Returns/sets the type of percentage used to plot chart values on a percent axis. 57634 ValueScale object 57635 Determines whether automatic scaling is used to draw the axis. 57636 Returns/sets the lowest or beginning value used to scale the axis. 57637 Returns/sets the highest or ending value used to scale the axis. 57638 Returns/sets the number of major divisions displayed on the axis. 57639 Returns/sets the number of minor divisions displayed within each major division of the axis. 57640 Axis(axisId, 1) object 57641 Returns the Pen object used to draw the axis lines and tick marks. 57642 Returns the number of levels of labels for a given axis. 57643 Returns the CategoryScale object associated with this axis. 57644 Returns the DateScale object associated with this axis. 57645 Returns the AxisGrid object associated with this axis. 57646 Returns the Intersection object associated with this axis. 57647 Returns the Tick object associated with this axis. 57648 Returns the Scale object associated with this axis. 57649 Returns the ValueScale object associated with this axis. 57650 Returns the AxisTitle object associated with this axis. 57651 A group of chart axis labels. 57660 Plot object 57661 Returns/sets the unit of measure used for all chart angles. 57662 Determines whether pie charts are drawn in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. 57663 Returns/sets the order in which the slices of a pie or doughnut are drawn. 57664 Returns/sets the percentage of the shortest chart axis that is used as the diameter of the largest bubble. 57665 Returns the Backdrop object associated with the chart plot. 57666 Returns the Coor3 object which indicates the distance and position from which a 3D chart is viewed. 57667 Returns/sets the angle at which the scale appears on a polar or radar chart. 57668 Returns/sets the starting angle used to draw pie charts. 57669 Returns/sets the position used to display a label on each pie or doughnut in the chart. 57670 Returns/sets the spacing of 2D and 3D bars in the chart. 57671 Returns/sets the x spacing of 3D bars in the chart. 57672 Determines whether the plot is in automatic layout mode. 57673 Returns/sets the percentage of the chart height to be used as the chart width. 57674 Returns/sets the percentage of the chart height to be used as the chart depth. 57675 Returns the Rect object which indicates the position of the plot area of the chart. 57676 Returns/sets the projection type used to display a 3D chart on a 2D output device. 57677 Returns/sets the z spacing of 3D bars in the chart. 57678 Returns the View3d object which indicates the rotation and elevation used to display a 3D chart. 57679 Returns the PlotBase object associated with this chart plot. 57680 Returns the Doughnut object associated with this chart plot. 57681 Returns the Pie object associated with this chart plot. 57682 Returns the Weighting object associated with this chart plot. 57683 Returns the Wall object associated with this chart plot. 57684 Returns the Elevation object associated with this chart plot. 57685 Series Collection 57686 Indicates whether series data is being read from a row rather than a column in a data grid. 57687 The light source illuminating a chart. 57688 The point at which the axes of a 3D XYZ chart intersect. 57689 Returns/sets the type of percentage used to plot chart values in a percent axis. 57690 Specifies whether or not the unit scale for all value axes in a chart is uniform. 57691 Returns the Axis object associated with this chart plot. 57692 Chart object 57693 Number of items in a collection 57694 Returns one item from a collection 57695 Enumerates over a collection 57696 Repaints the chart. 57697 Returns/sets the data to chart as a 2D array. 57698 Returns/sets the mouse pointer for the chart. 57699 StdFont Object (write-only) 57700 Pastes a Windows Metafile graphic from the clipboard into the current selection. 57701 Copies the current chart to the clipboard in Windows Metafile format. 57702 Forces the chart to recalculate automatic attributes. 57703 Returns the chart to its initial settings. 57704 Selects the specified chart part. 57705 Returns the currently selected chart element. 57706 Uses a set of coords on the chart to identify a part. 57707 Converts a data point value to its window pixel location. 57708 Returns or sets the border style for the chart. 57709 Returns the window handle of the chart. 57710 Displays the About box of the chart. 57711 Returns/sets data source. 57712 Returns/sets data source member name. 57722 Occurs when the chart is selected. 57723 Occurs when the title is selected. 57724 Occurs when the footnote is selected. 57725 Occurs when the legend is selected. 57726 Occurs when the plot is selected. 57727 Occurs when an axis is selected. 57728 Occurs when an axis label is selected. 57729 Occurs when an axis title is selected. 57730 Occurs when a datapoint is selected. 57731 Occurs when a datapoint label is selected. 57732 Occurs when a series is selected. 57734 Occurs when the chart is activated (double-clicked). 57735 Occurs when the title is activated (double-clicked). 57736 Occurs when the footnote is activated (double-clicked). 57737 Occurs when the legend is activated (double-clicked). 57738 Occurs when the plot is activated (double-clicked). 57739 Occurs when an axis is activated (double-clicked). 57740 Occurs when an axis label is activated (double-clicked). 57741 Occurs when an axis title is activated (double-clicked). 57742 Occurs when a datapoint is activated (double-clicked). 57743 Occurs when a datapoint label is activated (double-clicked). 57744 Occurs when a series is activated (double-clicked). 57747 Occurs when an axis is updated. 57748 Occurs when an axis label is updated. 57749 Occurs when an axis title is updated. 57750 Occurs when the chart is updated. 57751 Occurs when the footnote is updated. 57752 Occurs when the legend is updated. 57753 Occurs when the plot is updated. 57754 Occurs when a datapoint is updated. 57755 Occurs when a datapoint label is updated. 57756 Occurs when a series is updated. 57758 Occurs when the title is updated. 57759 Occurs when the datagrid is updated. 57760 Occurs after the chart finishespainting. 57761 Occurs when the user clicks over the chart. 57762 Occurs when the user double clicks over the chart. 57763 Occurs when the user presses a key while the chart has the focus. 57764 Occurs when the user presses and releases a key. 57765 Occurs when the user releases a key while the chart has the focus. 57766 Occurs when the user presses a mouse button over the chart. 57767 Occurs when the user moves the mouse over the chart. 57768 Occurs when the user releases a mouse button over the chart. 59320 No effect on chart appearance. 59321 Update plot display. 59322 Update plot layout. 59323 Update legend display. 59324 Update legend layout. 59325 Update series layout. 59326 Update section position. 59330 Update Flag Constants 60320 Microsoft Chart Control 6.0 (SP4) (OLEDB) 60321 Event interface for MSChart Control 6.0 (SP4) (OLEDB) 60322 Chart Property Page 61320 Constants for the OLEDragMode property (but not the DragMode or OLEDropMode properties). 61321 OLE drag/drop will be initialized only under programmatic control. 61322 OLE drag/drop will be initialized when the user drags 'out' of the control, or under programmatic control. 61323 Constants for the OLEDropMode property (but not the DragMode or OLEDragMode properties). 61324 Accepts no OLE drag/drop operations. 61325 Accepts an OLE drag/drop under programmatic control only. 61326 Accepts an OLE drag/drop without programmatic control. 61327 State transition constants for the DragOver and OLEDragOver events. 61328 Source control dragged into target. 61329 Source control dragged out of target. 61330 Source control dragged from one position in target to another. 61331 Clipboard format constants. 61332 Text (.TXT file). 61333 Bitmap (.BMP file). 61334 Metafile (.WMF file). 61335 Device-independent bitmap. 61336 Color palette. 61337 Enhanced metafile (.EMF file). 61338 Filename list (Microsoft Windows Explorer) 61339 Rich Text Format (.RTF file). 61340 Drop effect constants for OLE drag and drop events. 61341 No OLE drag/drop operation has taken place/would take place. 61342 A mask to indicate that a copy has taken place/would take place. 61343 A mask to indicate that a move has take place/would take place. 61344 A mask to indicate that the drop target window has scrolled/would scroll. 61345 Starts an OLE drag/drop event with the given control as the source. 61346 Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drag/drop source, and whether this process is started automatically or under programmatic control. 61347 Returns/Sets whether this control can act as an OLE drop target. 61348 Clears all data and formats in a DataObject object. 61349 Determines if a specified clipboard format is supported by the DataObject object. 61350 Retrieves data of a specified format from a DataObject object. 61351 Adds a supported format and possibly its data to a DataObject object. 61352 A collection of filenames used by the vbCFFiles format. 61353 Returns a specific filename by index from the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only). 61354 Returns the number of filenames in the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only). 61355 Adds a filename to the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only). 61356 Clears all filenames stored in the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only). 61357 Removes a filename from the Files collection of a DataObject object (vbCFFiles format only).